Globally Popular! Over 100 Foxes Roam Freely at Fox Village|Miyagi Zao Fox Village

Hello! Today, I’ll be introducing the Zao Fox Village, located in Shiroishi City, Miyagi Prefecture. This world-famous attraction is home to over 100 free-roaming foxes, allowing visitors to observe these fascinating animals up close. The village provides a natural and relaxing environment where you can interact with the foxes. In this trip, I’ll also cover how to access Fox Village, what experiences await, and share information about the nearby accommodation Shiroishi Onsen Yakushi no Yu.


Overview of Zao Fox Village

The Fox Village is world-famous.

Zao Fox Village is located at the foot of Mt. Zao in Shiroishi City, Miyagi Prefecture. Here, over 100 foxes roam freely within a large enclosed area, giving visitors a chance to observe their natural behavior up close.

Fox Species

The colors are completely different depending on the type!

The village is home to six different species of foxes, including:

  • Ezo Red Fox
  • Silver Fox
  • Arctic Fox (Blue)
  • Platinum Fox
  • Arctic Fox (White)
  • Cross Fox

It’s rare to see such a diverse variety of foxes in one place, making this a unique experience for visitors.

[Hours and Admission Fees]

Miyagi Zao Fox Village

Zao Fox Village operates with seasonal hours, so be sure to check the schedule before visiting.

  • Summer Hours: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Last admission at 4:30 PM)
  • Winter Hours: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM (Last admission at 3:30 PM)
  • Closed on Wednesdays, except for holidays and special periods in February, May, and August.

Admission Fees

  • Adults (Junior High School and older): ¥1,000

How to Get to Zao Fox Village

Due to limited bus services, taxis or rental cars are the best options for reaching Zao Fox Village. Buses only run on Tuesdays and Fridays, so it’s important to plan accordingly. I took a taxi from Shiroishi City, which took around 20 minutes and cost approximately ¥4,000 (about $31.2).

Experiences at Fox Village

So many foxes! Don’t touch them!

Entering the Village and Meeting the Foxes

Upon arrival, I paid the ¥1,000 admission fee and entered the village. I was immediately greeted by a fluffy Arctic Fox (Blue), one of the many foxes wandering freely. The spacious grounds allow the foxes to roam and interact with visitors, providing a unique and immersive experience.

Entering the Free-Roaming Area

Entering the area where the foxes roam freely is an exciting part of the visit. However, there are a few important rules to follow to ensure both your safety and the foxes’ well-being.


  • Stay on the designated paths
  • Do not touch the foxes
  • Do not sit to take photos
  • Be careful not to drop any belongings

There is a risk of contracting Echinococcosis from foxes, a parasitic disease, but as long as you follow the rules, the foxes won’t pose any threat.

Fox Nap Time and Their “Capsule Hotels”

A capsule hotel in a fox’s den!

Many of the foxes take naps during the day, as they are nocturnal animals. You’ll see them curled up and resting, some even in what look like “capsule hotels” made just for them—an incredibly cute sight to behold!

Highlights of Fox Village

It’s so cute the way it cries!

Fox Fights

One of the more dramatic sights in the village is watching the foxes engage in fights. Foxes often determine dominance by showing off their teeth or size, and you may frequently witness scuffles between them. This wild side of the foxes is a reminder of their natural behavior.

They’re fighting…

Fox Cuddle Experience

For those looking for a closer interaction, the village offers a fox cuddle experience, available at 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM. For ¥600 (about $4.69), you can carefully hold a fox while wearing protective gear to prevent infection. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hold a fox, making for a precious memory.

Accommodation: Shiroishi Onsen Yakushi no Yu

Shiroishi Onsen Yakushi no Yu

After spending the day at Fox Village, I stayed at Shiroishi Onsen Yakushi no Yu, a hotel offering a special plan with transportation to and from Fox Village. The plan costs ¥14,000 (about $109.4) and includes both dinner and breakfast, making it a convenient and affordable option.

A Luxurious Dinner

Very delicious Japanese food!

Dinner at the hotel’s restaurant was a delightful experience, featuring fresh sashimi from the Sendai market, tender beef tongue stew, and flavorful grilled amberjack. The highlight was a hearty hot pot filled with seafood and other fresh ingredients, perfect for warming up after a day in the cold.

A Satisfying Breakfast

The breakfast is also delicious! Highly recommended!

The next morning, I woke up to a snow-covered landscape. The breakfast was equally impressive, with grilled fish, simmered dishes, and fresh salads. The variety and healthy options made for a great start to the day. Since there are no convenience stores or restaurants nearby, booking a meal-inclusive plan is highly recommended.

Conclusion: The Globally Famous Fox Village

I recommend winter! The snow and foxes are beautiful!

Miyagi’s Zao Fox Village is a truly unique destination where you can see over 100 free-roaming foxes in their natural environment. From their adorable nap times to their intense fights, there’s so much to see. Don’t miss the chance to hold a fox during the special cuddle experience! And for a complete trip, stay at Shiroishi Onsen Yakushi no Yu with its convenient transportation service and excellent meals. If you’re looking for an unforgettable animal encounter, Zao Fox Village is the perfect destination.

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